Page Directory Group: Families
Practice the Letter Sounds with Your Child
October 5, 2016
This page features a recording parents can use to practice the letter sounds with their children in less than...
Library Catalog & eBooks
June 16, 2015
Accessing eBooks Click below to access MackinVIA or Follett on the computer or iPad (MackinVIA also has an app...
Contact Us
August 8, 2014
Barrett Attendance Line Phone Number: 703-228-8545 In addition to attending the annual school orientations, visitors are always welcome at...
Project Discovery
July 25, 2014
For current Project Discovery activities, follow Project Discovery teacher Laurie Sullivan on X @LSullivan Project Discovery is an Arlington...
Overview and History
October 20, 2013
K.W. Barrett Elementary School A Professional Learning Community Barrett Elementary School is a diverse community of students, families and...
PTA Website
August 12, 2013
KW Barrett PTA Check out our PTA web site:
School Counseling Program
October 2, 2007
Barrett’s School Counseling Programs Beliefs: At the heart of Barrett’s school counseling program is the belief that a sense...
Friday Volunteers / Los Voluntarios de los Viernes
October 2, 2007
Thank you for visiting our page. Friday Volunteers is a diverse group of parents that meet weekly to discuss...