
February 13, 2023- Eye of the Tiger Family Message

Dear Barrett Families:

Happy Super Bowl Sunday! Whether you are rooting for the Eagles, Chiefs, or just in it for the half time show, I hope you enjoy the camaraderie and companionship of those rooting with you. Additionally, I hope we are able to find opportunities to highlight the sportsmanship displayed between players as we enter Virginia Kindness Week this week!

Barrett in Twitter: Enjoy #KWBPride photos and videos here

Dr. Duran’s Message: Please see the most recent message from the Superintendent here and the Friday 5 message linked here. 

Family Conferences: We are excited to launch Family Conferences (aka Parent Teacher Conferences) this Spring!  Your classroom teacher will share the Sign Up Genius link for you to sign up for a conference time. If you requested sibling conferences, please do not sign up for a conference time as those have been pre scheduled for you.

School Safety Message: We want to remind our school community of the following safety procedures we have at Barrett. We need your support and partnership in making sure that we keep our students, staff, and school safe.

  1. Please close the door behind you and your family once you have been granted entry. Our front office staff will continue the process of requesting identification before allowing entry into the building to unknown individuals.
  2. Please contact the front office or your child’s teacher if there will be another adult picking up your child OR if you are running late.
  3. Please always enter the building through the main doors (Door #1), sign into the Raptor System in the front office, and wear the Visitor sticker on the exterior of your clothing so it is easily recognizable to the school staff.
  4. Please refrain from calling your child over to the fence in the playground or entering through the playground gates during lunch and recess times to ensure that students remain attentive to staff supervising students outside.

Finally, it takes all of us to keep our school community safe. Please say something to us, if you see something.

Summer Camp Opportunities: The Outdoor Lab offers a week-long overnight science enrichment camp to students in APS who have completed grades 4-8.  Please see this website here for more information. Registration will open on the website on March 3rd at 6:00 PM.Camp Sessions and Logistics

The Elementary sessions for students completing Grade 4 or Grade 5 in June 2023:

Session B:  July 10-14

Session C:  July 17-21

Campers are transported by APS school bus from Arlington to the Outdoor Lab, leaving on Monday morning around 8:30 AM and returning on Friday afternoon around 4 PM.  Buses typically leave from and return to Kenmore MS; campers must arrange for transportation between home and Kenmore.  Students bring a bag lunch for the first day, but all other meals and snacks are provided, along with a platform tent and foam pad.  A sleeping bag is available for any student who needs one.

Virginia Kindness Week: This year at Barrett Elementary, we are spreading kindness ALL week!Our GOAL is to fill the classroom doors with KIND words and acts we appreciate in others or have done to show kindness. Please feel free to join us by stopping into the main office to write Kindness notes for our students and staff. Or, feel free to chalk up our sidewalks with kind messages for our community!

Volunteering Opportunities at BarrettSee this link for more information on completing the volunteering process with us. All volunteers will need to sign in at the front office and wear a visitor sticker throughout their visit with us. Please ensure you have completed the volunteer application prior to volunteering with us.

Upcoming Events At A Glance
Date Time Event Details
February 17 N/A Report Cards are populated in ParentVue
February 20 No School Holiday: President’s Day
February 23 6:00 PM Kindergarten Information Night
February 24 6:30-8:30 PM Family Valentine’s Day Dance

3rd  Quarter Grade Level Newsletters

Click on the link for your child’s grade level newsletter. This year, newsletters will be linked to the principal’s message. Please reach out to your child’s teacher to request a printed copy if you’d prefer a hard copy.

Pre-K Montessori Kindergarten 1st Grade 2nd Grade 3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade


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