
Barrett Teachers and Staff Welcome You Back to School!

First Day of School: Our first day of school for students in Kindergarten to 5th grade is Monday August 26, 2024. Our students in Pre-K/VPI will begin on August 27, 2024 or August 28, 2024.

Start Time: We ask that students arrive by 8:50 AM to allow for a prompt and organized start to the day. Similar to last year, we will be meeting in the back of the school on the playground. Students will line up next to their teacher’s name on the blacktop or turf. Please note, we will start heading inside by 8:55 AM.

Kiss and Ride Car Rider Location Change: Last Wednesday, we shared a message about the change in our car rider arrival/dismissal location. We will be rerouting all vehicles to the back of the school on Park Drive.  This change is occurring to ensure safety for our walking and biking students, which make up 90% of our population. We will have additional support the first few weeks of school from APS Safety and Security staff or ACPD to ensure a smooth transition and arrival/dismissal process.   We will share an additional reminder message during the week as we get closer to the first day of school.

School Meals:  Barrett will continue to participate in the Community Eligible Provision Program this year. This means that school meals (breakfast and lunch) are free for all students. If your child has any dietary restrictions or allergies, please inform our clinic staff as soon as possible.

Back-to-School Night: Don’t miss our Back-to-School Night on September 12, 2024 in the evening. We will share the time as we get closer to the event. This event will provide valuable information about the upcoming school year, introduce you to new staff members, and offer an opportunity to reconnect with our school community.

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