

SEPTEMBERBack to School  Unique Learning: “I Can Grow”   OCTOBERFallUnique Learning:”Sometimes I’m Glad,   Sometimes I’m Mad”- short vowel o, consonants c/d/n- colors: orange & green- shape: squareField Trip: “Circus of the Senses”   NOVEMBERHappy ThanksgivingUnique Learning:Community Helpers- short vowel u   consonants g/h/s- opposites: cold & hot- colors: black & red- shape: rectangle  DECEMBERIt’s the
Holiday SeasonDecember 23rd:  In-Class Caroling & Celebration
 JANUARYWinter WonderlandUnique Learning:“Make Believe” – short vowel iconsonants b/f/l– colors: blue & white– shape: triangle– math: more or less